You can check the estimated delivery time of each product at the “Product” page. But there are many factors affecting the delivery time, such as the ordering quantity, manufacturing requirement, extra quality test requirements, the destination and the shipping method, and so on. Contact our team and tell us all your requirements. After all detailed are confirmed, we can offer more accurate delivery time and promise on-time delivery. At Tongchi Auto Air Conditioner Manufacturing Co., Ltd, our goal is always to have your order delivered as fast as possible.
TOCH helps customers provide toyota radiator fan to achieve the value of it. TOCH's main products include suzuki cooling fan series. TOCH dual radiator fan is developed blending in various disciplines. Knowledge such as computer science, information technology, automatic control technology, and mechanical engineering are considered and adopted in its development. The product can meet the high-quality water demand use for chemistry, biology, pharmacy, medicine, and semiconductor fields.
Our business goal is to build a multinational or global brand. We are working hard to make our company more appealing to customers by offering quality products and professional services.