Connection number represented by the meaning of the radiator cooling fan
There are a lot of friends, when buying radiator cooling fan will find some radiator cooling fan are three terminal, sometimes is four connection, even two connection, so you know what is the difference between this?
Below by wen ling tong chi car air conditioning cooling cooling fan manufacturer's technical staff to tell you, the connection number represented by the meaning of radiator cooling fan: generally there are two kinds of common radiator cooling fan wiring, the 4 pin (
Four lines)
The cooling fan and 3 pin (
Three lines)
The cooling fan, and 2 pin (
Two lines)
On the market has been a rarity.
The cooling fan is originally 2 line, one is a negative.
Later for cooling fan to monitor the cooling fan speed, so that in the case of the cooling fan damage report to the police, and the output signal lines, expressed in frequency to the cooling fan speed.
This is 3 line.
Three lines)
The color of the cooling fan, respectively is: red + 12 v power supply cord, black as GNG (
, yellow is the Sensor signal lines, is a new connection is used to test the cooling fan speed.
Later, in order to control the cooling fan speed, at the time of low temperature can reduce the speed, in order to reduce the noise, the article adds the input signal, using pulse frequency to control the cooling fan speed.
This is 4 line.
To line 4 compatible and 3 line, add the line is on the outside of the plug.
Line 3 and line 4 can be compatible with each other to use, just plug, will not damage the hardware.
But if the socket on the motherboard only three lines, four lines of the cooling fan.
Or the mainboard is four wire socket, the cooling fan is three lines.
The cooling fan is the highest speed operation.
Four lines)
The color of the cooling fan, respectively is: red + 12 v power supply cord, black as GNG (
Ground wire)
, yellow is the Sensor signal lines, used to detect the cooling fan speed, PWM signal lines, blue is new line, mainly used for the main board according to the temperature intelligent cooling fan speed adjustment.
That is the meaning of the radiator cooling fan connection number represents.
More related knowledge, please pay attention to wen ling chi car air conditioning's official website, wen ling tong chi automotive air conditioning cooling cooling fan, cooling fan, radiator dc cooling fans, ac cooling cooling fan, dc blower and various specifications custom car radiator cooling fan.
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